Important Notice
ShotStop, Inc. is not affiliated
with Shotstop, LLC of Ohio which
has filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Welcome! 805 402 7238
I'm Jim Tyner and I am who you will talk with when you call our number. While we have a lot of basic information here on the website, we know that every club is different and you may have some specific questions to ask.
ShotStop has given me the opportunity to talk with clubs of all sizes all around the country and help them with their lead management challenges. It is just as important to us to help a one trap club as a 10 trap club stay open. I enjoy helping clubs and I will be pleased to get your call and make a new friend.
While you may have drawn the short straw to research a shot curtain for your club, I often do phone conferences during club directors meetings even in the evenings. I also will talk with your contractors and even representatives from government agencies.
In short, I will spend whatever time is required to help you get your curtain installed and keep your club viable.
Jim Tyner
805 402 7238
I am usually available after 8:00am and before 7:00pm Pacific Time.
For information about ShotStop fabric and installation in Australia & New Zealand, contact:
Craig Mitchell
+61 414 417 136
© 2019 by ShotStop, Inc. Proudly created with